FPP X-Ray 120 Film

Last year, the Film Photography Project released a new 120 film that is a medical x-ray film, but it’s spooled onto 120 spools with numbered backing paper. I’ve shot some of their 4×5 x-ray film, and it appears much softer than this 120 film. This film offers good contrast with nice grain and is much sharper compared to the soft look of the 4×5 x-ray film. This film is subject to light piping, so when I loaded it into my Yashica Mat-124 G in dim light, I made sure to be cautious. After I finished the roll, I wrapped it in aluminum foil and sent it to theFINDlab with a note, asking them to open it in dim light. Overall, I really like the look of this film. My images at this car show were taken in the afternoon sunlight. This film truly delivers a unique look. I’m looking forward to shooting more of it this summer.

Youth Impact Car Show – Ogden Airport, Utah
Camera: Yashica Mat-124 G (1970 – 1986)
Film: FPP X-Ray 100 ISO 120 Film
Process: theFINDlab
Scanned: Epson V700 Photo

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